Synchronous Optical Network

英 [ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈɒptɪkl ˈnetwɜːk] 美 [ˈsɪŋkrənəs ˈɑːptɪkl ˈnetwɜːrk]

网络  同步光纤网; 同步光网络; 同步光纤网络; 光同步网络



  1. With the rapid development of Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) multiple operation platforms, traditional optical network protection is not enough for the newly arising needs.
  2. Optical Access Network c network. The Research on Specification of Transmitting Relay Protective Signals by Synchronous Optical Network
  3. SDH ( Synchronous Digital Hierarchy) has some primary advantages such as synchronous multiplexing, standard optical interface and strong network management compared with PDH ( Plesiochronous Digital Hierarchy).
  4. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) and Synchronous Optical Network ( SONET) are now applied worldwide both in carrier backbone networks, by metropolitan service providers and in large scale WANs by end-user organizations.
  5. Generic framing procedure ( GFP) is a new brand of data-packet transmitting protocol on synchronous digital hierarchy ( SDH), as well as on optical transport network ( OTN). It has the advantage of simplicity and multi-protocol adapting.
  6. The result of researching indicates that synchronous optical network can be used to transmit relay protective singnals if it is designed properly.
  7. In 1984, the Synchronous Optical Network was proposed to eliminate mutually exclusive of the light interface, and it was marked as a kind of brand-new transmission network technology system.
  8. In addition, for Synchronous Digital Hierarchy ( SDH) is the optical network implemented in practice, we proposed integrated monitor for SDH, which has been used in business.